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Barry KuKes



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About Me

about pets, about Christmas, about probate for realtors

I have often been referred to as a Renaissance man, I guess because I have a wide array of interests, including writing and music. I have played drums at a professional level for over 30 years. Visit Barrydrums to listen to over 200 songs with me on the drums. I still play with several bands and have added drum tracks to recordings as a studio musician. 


I have always loved writing stories. My first was a short story called "The Man Who Killed James Stigwood." I was ten years old when I wrote it. My mother was very impressed, but as my mother, she was required to love anything her son did, short of setting the house on fire. (It was a small fire contained in the family room.)


My first published novel, "The Christmas House," has been downloaded and/or shared over 10,000 times. I was offered a movie deal for the book, but it didn't feel right, so I passed. 


I am currently writing the prequel called "The Christmas House - 1845 to 1997. It's going to be quite a long book, so I don't see it being completed within a couple of years. I have several other books started, but I only have so many hours in a day. If I live long enough, I will complete a few.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at


Also, if you belong to a women's club or group, or you are part of a non-profit like Kiwanis, I am available to speak to your members about animal welfare. If you belong to a book club, I am happy to talk to your group, read a chapter or two from one of my books, and sign copies. Email me or call/text me at 704-685-3247 to schedule an appearance.


Thank you for your interest in my books.





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